I went into town yesterday. After a nightmare searching for somewhere to park in Avon Street car park, we got to the Cosy Club restaurant for lunch. I tried Tapas, something I haven’t gone for before. The Tapas included cocktail sausages, which were of very good quality and well marinated in some onion-type sauce. Not like the kind you get on sticks and a childrens birthday party. The other dish was a bowl of chipped potatoes with a green sauce. They were nice. The third offering, I wasn’t too happy with. It was a kind of coleslaw with bits of chicken. To be fair to the restaurant, I could tell the dish was of a high quality, and it was simply personal taste why I didn’t like it. The waitress, noticing I had left part of my meal, kindly offered me a complimentary coffee. I know I have moaned about restaurants on my blog in the past, but I was left impressed with The Cosy Club. Claire and I will be returning for more Tapas the next time we’re in Bath.

The best juice I’ve ever drank

After being fed, we ventured onto the streets of Bath. It was busy. Very busy. Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but the entire world descended upon the city. We kept shopping to a minimum, firstly looking in one of chose cheap book shops. There wasn’t any books worth reading and it quickly became apparent why these books were so cheap. Because they’re shit.
Primark was the next stop. I have wanted to visit this shop for a while. Reading the local newspaper and Twitter, a lot of local residents objected to the budget clothes store being opened. Visiting ‘Primarny’, it was clear Bath DOES needs such a store, judging by the face the place was heaving with shoppers. We can’t all afford to kit our wardrobe from the likes of Superdry and River Island. After a mammoth shopping session, I acquired some Family Guy pyjamas and T-Shirt. A Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, blue hoodie, a winter warmer and a couple of packets of sweets. Claire also chucked a few things into the shopping bag. The total bill? A shy over sixty pounds. You would struggle to get a single item of clothing in some of the other high street shops.
On the way back to the car park, we stopped at Marks and Spencers to pick up some food. We accidently stumbled into Krispy Kreme. As we were in there, we thought it would be rude not to buy a box of doughnuts. I also saw this sign on the bins, which amused me so much I took a photo (which annoyed Claire).

Why is it only written in Chinese/Japanese? Are BANES Council suggesting the English, French, Germans etc don’t feed the gulls?
Later that day, I stuck the set of garden lights into the lawn of our front garden. We had let the grass grow far too long and my Dad came round to kindly mow it. I’ve had the lights in a Sainsbury’s bag for weeks, waiting for the grass to be cut. They’re now taking pride of place outside our house and look amazing at night. A productive day.
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