Modern football is rubbish.
Rubbish for lots of reasons. Far too many to list here.
One of the things which makes modern football rubbish, is those now infamous half-and-half scarves.
Real football fans don’t buy such crap. Why would you wear an item of clothing, bearing the name and logo of a rival club – albeit on only half of the scarf?
The scarves generally seem to be worn by football tourists, who generally don’t give a shoot about the team they claim to support.
Just imagine if these scarves existed during the 1940s. One half would depict the Union Jack and the crudely stitched face of Sir Winston Churchill. The other half, predictably, would be made from black, red and yellow wool (or a much cheaper alternative), with the mug of Adolf Hitler. Classy.
You know the one thing worse than a half and half scarf? A half and half house…
While I stand firmly by my prediction that Leeds United will bottle their season – despite currently sitting top of the league – there is the tiny chance that they may get promoted.
If this totally unlikely event was to take place, a situation would develop where my team, Leeds, would face Claire’s side, Liverpool.
Does this mean we would decorate our home in our teams’ colours, for the residents of Weston to admire and ridicule?
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