The English Football League (EFL) have finally made a decision on Leeds United and ‘spygate’ (Sky’s words, not mine), by fining the club £200,000 and introducing a new rule.
This new regulation will presumemly be used as a stick to beat Leeds with, despite the so-called ‘spying’ taking place before the rule was written.
One previously existing rule was mentioned by the EFL, as the primary reason Leeds were fined. I won’t bore you, by posting the entire thing here, but the gist of it is basically
… each Club shall behave towards each other Club and The League with the utmost good faith.
So when opposition players dive for penalties, which change the outcome of a match, is that behaving in the utmost good faith?
Leeds issued a statement, more or less apologising for their terrible behaviour and saying that they accept the punishment.
What fecking choice do they have? While unlikely to actually happen, there was talk of a points deduction. Given the fact Leeds are competing for promotion to the Premier League – worth over £100,000,000 – every point is literally priceless.
The EFL therefore have Leeds over a barrel. “Accept our punishment of £200k and be grateful for it!”. Leeds know that should they appeal the decision and lose, there is the doubtful, but, at the same time, possible, chance of losing points.
Basically, Leeds are the kid at school, who had his dinner money stolen by the playground bully. If the kid fights back, he’ll probably get his face smashed in by the EFL, sorry, school bully.
Leeds may have been polite and diplomatic in their statement. I, however, am not going to be. I have therefore asked Father Jack Hackett to “read” a message to the EFL, on my behalf…
Oh, and while we’re pointing out each others’ flaws, here is a list of things which the EFL and FA haven’t fined football clubs for.
How many of these things are worse than watching another team train, from a public footpath, without breaking any rules (at the time)…
- Racist chanting
- Throwing bananas
- Homophobia
- Sexual Harassment
- Diving
- Time-wasting
- Paying off agents
Finally, may I wish the EFL Chief Executive, Shaun Harvey, the best of luck for the future. This morning, Shaun (who can’t even spell his own name correctly), announced he was leaving the EFL, at the end of the season.
I hear that his colleagues have been very generous with the leaving collection held for him…

LEGAL: Not one penny, I repeat NOT ONE PENNY, from Leeds United’s fine was put towards Shaun Harvey’s leaving gift. This JPEG is a JOKE. However, if you don’t believe me, please issue a punishment by deducting 20 points from my club. I support Norwich City.
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