I read this disgusting and disturbing story today. The full article is in the link, but here is the gist of it…
A pensioner has been sentenced for racially abusing a black woman in a south London bookmakers, calling her a “f****** n*****” and telling her “when Brexit comes, you will be gone.”
John Keogh, who left court with a plastic bag over his head, launched into the vile rant at a branch of Coral in Peckham last year.
It is horrific to think that people with such views still exist – even worse, are not afraid to air them.
Sadly, they apparently do…
I voted remain, but am fully aware that the vast majority of those who opted to leave the EU, would be equally as sickened by this man as I am.
In the interest of fairness, I must point out that the article mentions how Mr Keogh suffers from PTSD – a terrible condition to be afflicted with; but one which in no way excuses any form of racism, especially to the level he abused the poor woman in the bookmakers.
I do wonder if, in his lifetime, Mr Keogh will ever realise that just because a person’s race isn’t of his liking, they are equal to any ‘White British’ citizen, and can bring a lot to the society we live in.
God forbid, he ever requires a stay in hospital. Anyone, like myself, who has experienced time as an inpatient, will confirm that there is absolutely zero chance of avoiding being treated by a so-called “minority” (sorry, I’m not a huge fan of that term).
Former patients will also testify that just because a staff member isn’t white or a born and bred Brit, they can still deliver excellent patient care and are an essential cog in the running of a hospital.
It wouldn’t be unfair to say, that without dedicated nurses, doctors and health care assistants, I would not be here today, writing this blog post.

What do you call a racist with a bin liner on his head? A scumbag.
Will Mr Keogh ever see the error of his ways? The fact he has shown no remorse and even “glared” at his victim as he left court, suggests he won’t.
Hopefully racists like Mr Keogh are a dying breed and in years to come, the only minorities will be the biggots and their prehistoric views.
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