Claire had a rare day away from the house, leaving me all by myself. I felt just like a young Macaulay Culkin in that film, where he found himself left home alone. I can never remember that movies name…
I wasn’t totally without company, I had a companion, and I don’t mean Elf on the Shelf! Roman was in his run downstairs.
Given the fact that I continue to remain unable to get out of bed, without the assistance of my wife, I was only able to see our bunny by using the webcam I have setup.
We had purposely left the television on for him. Roman is a sociable house rabbit and therefore gets distressed, even frightened, when left by himself.
You hear of dog owners leaving the radio on for their beloved pets, well we leave the telly on for ours! As I have shown on many previous blog posts, Roman will sit back, face the screen and fall asleep, happy and relaxed.
One of his favourite channels is Sky Sports News. Claire and I often have this on, almost as background noise, despite not actively watching it. I think because of this, Roman has become accustomed to the channel and therefore finds it a strangely calming influence.
His other favourite programme to watch is Keeping Up Appearances. He loves the adventures of Hyacinth Bucket and her long-suffering husband. Again, this is most likely due to familiarity, as the sitcom is also enjoyed by Claire and me.
While using the webcam to check up on Roman this morning, I noticed that he had not emerged from behind his litter tray for quite a while. This was surprising. Food was in his bowl and good old Sky Sports was on the box.
By using a series of clever apps on my mobile phone, I managed to connect to my gadgets downstairs, turn off Sky and begin to play episodes of Mrs Bucket.
I shouted from my bed, making Roman aware that he was not the only living-being in the house. My bellows, along with that familiar Keeping Up Appearances theme tune, were enough to bring my fluffy friend to life.
Upon the realisation that everything was ok in the world, I was able to observe him running and skipping around his run.
Roman then did something that he had not done before. Having heard my voice, he began to search for me. My heart melted. It was such a cute sight to witness.
He looked to the wall and the door, from where I normally appear. After a while of being unable to spot me, Roman climbed upon his hay box and standing on his back legs, searched towards the sofa, for where I could be seated.
After that, I left Rome alone, in order to return to his BBC sitcoms. I watched the Ken Loach film, I, Daniel Blake, which I have been meaning to watch for a while. I will try to write a little bit, containing my thoughts on what I saw, but will do so on another day, as the content was rather heavy – who would ever have thought that, for a Ken Loach production!
I kept with Saturday afternoon tradition, and followed the football scores. Leeds had a weekend off, so were unable to ruin my weekend. Even they haven’t found a way to lose without kicking a ball, but I am sure if it was possible to do so, Leeds would find a way.
While Leeds failed to find a way in which to cause me anger, Bath City more than made up for it.
The Romans have been performing exceptionally well this season and before today, occupied second place in the league. Wealdstone are the ones to catch, sitting top of the table.
‘The Romans’ faced ‘The Stones’ this afternoon. Considering the permutations of the result, this was always going to be a high-profile fixture. Therefore, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that this is where Claire had chosen to go today.
Now, my wife is as passionate a supporter as they come. I was too, until my health severely restricted the number of home games I can attend and sadly fully prevents me from travelling away – there is no way of getting my mobility scooter or wheelchair on the coach. Then there’s getting me up the steps…
Despite Claire’s dedication to the Bath City cause, I am sure even she somewhat regretted not staying at home in the warm with her two boys – Hubby and Bunny.
Bath City lost and failed to score. Fancy a guess as to how many goals Wealdstone put past City today?
Not 1
Not 2
Not 3, 4 or 5
Not even 6
The answer is 7…
SEVEN. A 7-0 defeat. I’ve seen City lose to some heavy scorelines – 7-1 and 6-0 – but never quite as bad as today.

I guess Roman and me were the only City fans not to have an utterly rubbish Saturday – not that receiving seven goal alerts from Wealdstone was a barrel of laughs for me. If I wanted to feel depressed, I would have watched that Ken Loach film again!
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January 30, 2020 - 12:58 pminteresting to hear of romans exploits -you must be continuously surprised by him… I used to have a lovely and very bright cat who displayed all manner of very individual and for a cat quite surprising characteristics – like showing a total lack of interest in hunting – anything! even spiders, flies – never caught a bird or mouse in his life despite his mother – a terrible hunter of these trying to teach him. A very welcome trait as u can imagine.
A very sweet and loving animal he d walk alongside us for miles on country paths.
Im always surprised how varied these little creatures are in their range of personality traits and levels of intelligence.
Roman of course sitting firmly in the upper strata – alongside his owners!
Regarding his recent unruly behaviour and seeing what a sensitive and impressionable creature he is — I hope that too much wrestling viewing isn’t behind all this!
Seriously tho – I do hope he settles down for you. It can be frustratingly hard to change animals behaviour in my experience…