A lesson for all – especially me!
When taking a drink, always look before you swig.
Picture the scene… I am in bed (nothing new there at the moment), settling down for a good nights kip.
Before closing my eyes and setting sail for the Land of Nod, I had to brush my teeth. I currently remain in bed to do this, making sure to swill my mouth with water, once I am satisfied that I have done a proper job with my Hampstead Heath.
Reaching for my bottle of H2O, I took a big mouthful. “WHAT THE FUDGE IS THIS?” I shouted – although cannot guarantee that I didn’t use a word a little more uncouth than “fudge”.
It transpires that I had not drank a mouthful of clean, cool and refreshing water. Instead, I had gulped down a gob of warm, sugary Cherry Coke, which had been hiding under the duvet in a plastic bottle since the afternoon!

Bloody hell! Not only had I just drank a totally unexpected beverage, but due to the fact this particular drink is basically carbonated sugar, I had to brush my teeth all over again!
The only good to come out of this whole unfortunate experience, is that it provided me with something to blog about. Very helpful, considering I have been struggling for ideas this evening.
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