Do you want to know what I believe to be the worst joke ever? In fact, it is so atrociously poor and unoriginal, that anyone seriously claiming it to be a joke is committing fraud.
Only users of the social media platform, Twitter, will know how annoying it can be to see ‘David Attenborough’ trending. It’s enough to get someone using Facebook again!
It is certainly not the fact that the great man is being actively discussed that infuriates me. More than likely, he is trending because he has made an important and intelligent observation about the future of our planet, or discovered a fossil for a previously unknown dinosaur.
I really wish that when a Twitter user notices Sir David trending, they refrain from tweeting something along the lines of “Thank f**k he isn’t dead!”…

Putting aside the fact that not one tweet on the subject is amusing, I also find that making light of the fact a national treasure is elderly and therefore – in the eyes of the arrogant – associated with death, to be very disrespectful.

Are these people actually aware of David Attenborough’s work? Had they taken the time to check the original reason behind behind the trend, or did they see it as an opportunity to gain a few cheap retweets and likes?

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