On my walk to work this morning, I noticed the rather unpleasant sight of a dead squirrel on the side of the road. Its head had been crushed into the pavement, while one side of its body had burst open, leaving the lungs, liver and various other bodily organs exposed. A long intestine lay strung from the corpse. I wanted to collect the carcass and leave it in somebodies lunchbox for a hilarious practical joke, but got too freaked out when I saw the blood. I didn’t even take a photo. What a scardy cat I am. What did amuse me was, just before crossing the road where the squirrel lay, a van pulled up right in front of it. A man got out, before putting up a sign labelled “Diversion” with an arrow pointing right, around the animal. I laughed. You probably had to be there.
When I walked home, the sign was still there and so was the squirrel. It looked smellier than eight hours earlier and had lots of flies buzzing around it. Again, I chickened out of taking a photo, in case anyone saw me and thought I was a weirdo. If you were after something filthy to brighten up your Monday night, sorry to disappoint you. Instead, I’ll post something equally disturbing for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

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