Posted by sean on March 15, 2020 at 1:29 pm in Television with No Comments

I couldn’t help but notice one of the strangest television shows that I’ve come across in a long time the other day – and that is some statement, as I watch a lot of weird stuff.

Claire initially put the programme on for herself, but I found myself having no choice but to have a listen, given what I was overhearing!

Note – I say “listen” as opposed to “watch”, as it was around midnight, we were in bed preparing to sleep and my glasses were off. Even if I did want to see the depravity which was accompanying the conversations I was hearing, I wouldn’t be able to without my goggles.

I initially felt compelled to listen, when I heard a young man asking a medical professional for advice on sexual health. The conversation escalated rather quickly; progressing to a topic so utterly disgusting that I generally wretched.

I’m not going to beat around the bush here – for one thing, there was no bush involved in this sexual chat. Get this… the man was told how to LICK his partner’s ARSE HOLE!

I’ll pause momentarily, to allow you to throw up.


This real life television show – on E4, by the way, not some dodgy Swedish import – was actually giving advice on using your tongue to make contact with another person’s anus.

Your TONGUE, which is connected to the MOUTH, where food enters the body – licking the ARSE HOLE, where SHIT exits the body!

Un-fucking-belivable! The hand hygiene freak in me was flipping out!

Dogs sniff each others bums and generally we think this is a bit gross. Dogs also lick their own bottoms. What dogs do not do, as far as I’m aware, is lick another dog’s arse – presumably this is too repulsive even for them!

The TV show which Claire was watching is called Sex Clinic. Remember the programme Embarrassing Bodies? The one where members of the public would go on national television, to ask a celebrity doctor sensitive questions, that they are too ashamed to approach their GP about. Presumably, these people had no issues with the fact millions of viewers were all watching at home, transfixed by their three penises.

Well, Sex Clinic is for those individuals with extremely private medical issues, which they are too fearful of discussing with the doctor on Embarrassing Bodies, as well as their GP.

Either that, or these people believe that by going on television and revealing how they are suffering from a serious case of genital herpes, they’ll become famous themselves and appear on Celebrity Big Brother: Series 3,293, under their new stage name, “Henry Herpes”.

The main part of the show sounded like these media whores were being tested for all manners of sexually transmitted diseases. Normally after behaving like a slut and sleeping with a dozen strangers – this is men and women, before you accuse me of sexism.

The medics* carrying out the tests normally handle the situation in a sensitive manner and are careful when revealing the results.
* I am unclear as to whether these “medics” are medically educated. For all I know, they may be no more qualified to handle such matters than Piers Morgan.

I think that the show could be greatly improved, if the results were revealed in the manner of an X Factor judge, as they tell a contestant if they have managed to get a place at Bootcamp…

“I have your test results here.”
<long pause>
“We tested you for anal slugs…”
<even longer pause>
“I’m sorry, it’s not good news…”
“… you’re going to have to get to the chemist right away…”
“… and buy some condoms, as you’re going to be having a lot more sex! The results were negative!”
<cue background music – YOU RAISE ME UP, by Westlife>

That would be brilliant.

It’s not just STD tests which the programme covers. The medics give advice too. Although be it on your head if you take it…

I was surprised to hear what a very flamboyant homosexual had to say. This wasn’t the strange thing. The lad explained that he was only attracted to straight men. The reason for this was because gay guys were all too feminine and camp. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Steady on, mate. That level of stereotyping sounds very homophobic to me!

Finally, the show introduced Claire and I to something we both hadn’t heard of before. You will not be surprised to hear that we won’t be experimenting with this new “tip” ourselves.

The programme – amazingly shown on mainstream television – told its viewers all about “pegging”.

When we heard the term, I had no idea what it could be. Claire thought it involved attaching clothes pegs onto your loved one’s body.

Nope, pegging involves a woman strapping a fake willy to her body and stuffing it up her other half’s bum.

Can you see why we WON’T be doing this?

Nothing surprises me anymore and I have told Claire that I would be willing to bet money, that whatever fetish she could imagine – however horrific – it would already exist.

Not that we could ever prove my theory, as it would involve searching for the disgusting act on Google – possibly resulting in a knock on the door from PC Plod.

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