Posted by sean on April 17, 2008 at 10:03 pm in Geek Stuff with No Comments

Cue a massive Homer Simpson style “Mmmmmm”

My HDMI cable arrived today. Hooked it up to the PS3 and gave Gran Turismo a spin – it looks absolutely lush! I can’t wait to watch a Blu Ray disc on it. I don’t think I’ll be buying any more DVDs now!

Posted by sean on April 14, 2008 at 9:56 pm in Life In Bath with No Comments

Now, I’m used to taking the odd but of stick; especially at work, but an incident that happened today really took the biscuit! I was walking home, when a couple of kids, who can’t have been anymore than five years old, started on me! As I passed, they asked “Are you small?” Looking down at them, I replied “Not compared to you” Grinning, they said back “Well, we think you’re small!”

I might not be of Peter Crouch height, but I’m not a member of the Pygmy tribe, either.

I wasn’t offended by their comments, and to be honest, I thought their cheeky attitude was quite funny. That said, I’ll be taking the long route home tomorrow – I’m a bit scared they’ll try and mug me for my wallet. Five year olds can be dangerous.

Posted by sean on April 13, 2008 at 10:18 pm in Bath City, Football with No Comments

I had a lucky escape on my trip to Eastbourne yesterday. The Bath City coach was driving along the M4 when it passed a Southampton fan bus. I gave their fans a grin and a wave, before giving them a ‘going down’ gesture. Their fans replied with a much more offensive fingered salute. Luckily I was on the safety of the coach and there was no way the rabid supporters could get to me. I got rather frightened when we pulled into a motorway service station 5 minutes later – I was expecting a mob of angry Southampton fans waiting for me with baseball bats and sticks. Luckily they weren’t there.

On the way home I met a group of Swansea supporters. They were celebrating their win and promotion to the Championship. I dampened their celebrations a little by pointing out that they were not officially promoted, and that if Leeds got their stolen 15 points back next week, Swansea may have to make do with the play offs. Luckily those sets of supporters took it with the friendly banter it was intended and there was no need to start a fight in the car park.

Posted by sean on April 11, 2008 at 10:40 pm in Video Games with 1 Comment

After traipsing around the west side of Bath, I finally found a retailer that can reserve GTA4 for me and guarantee it’s availability on the release date. Everywhere else is sold out, but apparently not many people thought about checking out the Twerton branch of Currys – luckily I did.

Before going to Currys, I tried Blockbusters – I got nowhere; and I just seemed confused the PC World “Techguys”.

Me: “Is it possible if I reserve a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4?”
Tech Guy #1: “I don’t know what that is. I’ll go and find out”
Tech Guy #1: (to Tech Guy #2) “What is a Grand Theft Auto?”
Tech Guy #2: “Hmmm… I think it’s a racing game”

Yes, the “Auto” part of the title would allow anyone who is an expert in stating the bleeding obvious to figure that out. Unfortunately for this Techguy, GTA4 isn’t your typical racer. If it was, Formula 1 would be a lot more interesting!

This whole mission may well turn out to be pointless anyway. I am accompanying Adam and Sam from work, in a trip to Bristol on the midnight of GTA4’s release. We’re hoping to find an all-night Asda stocking the game, enabling us to be one of the first people in the world to own the title. My Currys reservation is simply if Asda don’t stock the game.

I MUST own Grand Theft Auto 4 on it’s release date.

Posted by sean on April 11, 2008 at 10:46 am in Video Games with No Comments

Aaaarrrrggggh! Terrible news! NOWHERE appears to be taking pre-orders for Grand Theft Auto 4. The game of the century, set for release on 29th April, has received so many reservations that no shops are guaranteeing to have it on the day.

I’ve been frantically calling around shops, trying to get myself a copy.

GAME – Say I have absolutely no chance and won’t take my reservation.
GAMESTATION – Think I will be lucky to get a copy, but suggested I come into town and try.
CURRYS – Won’t even put me through to my local store. I got nowhere.
AMAZON – Sold out for 29th April.
ASDA – Not taking pre-orders, although we may come down at midnight and look.

If anyone knows of anywhere in Bath where I can get a copy on the 29th April, PLEASE let me know. Ideally on PlayStation 3, but I would settle for Xbox 360.

In case you were wondering; yes I am at work today, and yes I have been very busy.

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