In case I don’t blog again this year…

The final week of my Christmas/New Year break has been a rather uneventful one.
With no football, thanks to the weather, I spent my Monday in the company of Sky Sports’ Jeff Stelling. I made the afternoon interesting by placing a huge £2.00 (yes, 200 pence) bet on a massive accumulator, which if correct, would have seen me win almost £2,000. Alas my gamble did not come into fruition and I was left two quid out of pocket (slightly untrue though, as I ensured I won £2 by betting on Leeds to win earlier in the day). With all this money wasted on stupid bets, I am starting to worry if I have a gambling problem!

I have spent quite some time this week playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. As I have mentioned in the past, I don’t play lots of video games. In fact hardcore gamers like Dan believe I devote all my gaming time to the likes of Fifa. Partly true, although along with Grand Theft Auto, COD is one title I will play all the way through.
Like its predecessor, COD4, from 2 years ago, this is a fantastic war simulator that takes you on a real adventure. Anyone who has seen that show on Sky One with Grant Mitchell in Afghanistan, will notice many similarities in the video game (although there is no fat bald bloke). It is all very scary stuff, although not as frightening as the episode where Grant went to meet those gangs in Liverpool – they were some mean scouse chavs, who wouldn’t think twice about nicking your car stereo or happy slapping you. The episode where he hit Peggy was nasty too. Anyway, I digress…

Not in COD
When not shooting people, I have been working my way through the Benidorm DVD boxset. Somehow I have totally missed the popular ITV sitcom and only discovered it after buying it for my sister as a Christmas present and watching it with her. It is a brilliantly funny comedy and I had no second thoughts in buying myself a copy. However, I am starting to wonder if watching over 9 hours of it in less than 3 days was too much.

This New Years Eve, I should be going out. The plan is to try and get a table in Nandos, with John, before meeting Simon in the Dolphin later in the evening – hopefully before they start charging drinkers to get in!
I am sure Alex Ferguson’s reaction was pretty much the same when his little club, Manchester United, were drawn against the mighty Leeds in the FA Cup (this Sunday).
I wonder if owner Malcolm Glazer bought Alex and his son Darren curry to celebrate too… almost certanly is the answer.
I was heart warmed today when I received a letter from Marcus Trescothick.
Despite only attending one Somerset CC game last season, I have been thanked by the England and Somerset cricket legend for my “tremendous support during 2009”. Isn’t that nice!
Cynics may claim Mr. Trescothick did not personally write to me and, in fact, the letter may as well have come from the club’s mascot, Stumpy the Dragon. What nonsense! Marco obviously noticed the efforts I made to attend the game at The Rec back in May and wanted to thank me himself.
The letter also has nothing to do with an enclosed request for £179, asking me to become a member in 2010.

Last night, I joined Simon and his friend Tim for a post-Christmas Day drink. We went to The Boathouse, which was virtually deserted apart from the barman and his mate.
Having started their drinking hours before me in town, Simon and Tim entered into a ferocious football debate about what constitutes a ‘great’ football manager. It turns our Rafa Benitez is one (but only for his work at Valencia). José Mourinho is not (despite various league titles and a Champions League winner’s medal) and Arsène Wenger is not great, however is better than Rafa, who is great…

Confused? I certainly was, but took amusement from watching some slightly intoxicated football fans argue. However, being the peacemaker I am, I managed to diffuse to situation and get everyone to agree that, should he win the World Cup, Fabio Capello is the greatest living manager – better than Rafa, José, Arsène and the bloke who manages Accrington Stanley.

Due to their earlier alcohol intake, the two glasses of wine my fellow drinkers consumed was enough for them to call time on the pub; stumbling home to the warmth of their beds. Having not drank earlier, I was slightly disappointed at only being permitted two pints of beer; although awaking this morning, feeling as fresh as a newly bloomed daisy was nice.

The walk home seemed to take forever, mainly as Tim found the conditions freezing cold. Despite having ice all over the pavement, I surprisingly didn’t suffer the same reaction to the subzero temperatures and was able to tolerate the winters night. I guess it proves alcohol does lower your blood temperature. Either that or the extra layers I was wearing or Christmas weight I may have gained help to insulate me from the elements.

A photo from the walk home (yes, really)