Today Watkins and I went to Weston Super Mare. Here is a photo blog of our day out. As you can see, we were very busy. I am now extremely tired and as soon as I have finished this blog, will be going to bed – even though it is ridiculously early for a Saturday night.
Remember – you can click on the thumbnails for a full sized image.

Many a men have been lost here. We ignored the signs.
One of the main reasons to come to Weston
This duck game caused me great frustration and cost me lots of money.
I didn’t win anything.
This game caused Watkins great frustration and cost him lots of money.
He also didn’t win anything.
A Homer Simpson rip-off, or a keyring of Kyle Gass from Tenacious D?
This pinball machine was so cool!
A worms eye view of the tide coming in.
If you really were a worm and could see this, you would be fucked…
unless you could swim.
A seagull. Nuff said.
Me flying a kite I bought. Was surprisingly entertaining.
These donkeys reminded me of Clerks 2.
Watkins and I found a stray buoy in the sea and bravely saved it.
We then played football with it.
This is me doing a spot of water sport.
Yes, it REALLY, REALLY is me – honest!
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