I am sure that everyone knows the legend of Robin Hood – whether it be Prince of Thieves, the Walt Disney adaptation, or Men in Tights.
It therefore needs no introduction to the fact that he is said to have taken from the rich to give to the poor.
Tonight, Matthew, I will be Robin of Loxley…

Don’t panic, I’m not going to start happy-slapping Tories, before mugging them and spending all their money on copies of The Big Issue. No, I put the dosh into a big jar labelled “SEAN’S PLAYSTATION 5 FUND”.

My other outlaw activities include taking money from Sky Television and British Telecom…
If you are a subscriber to Sky or BT Sport, it is possible to receive the channels for free, while televised sporting events are affected by the Covid pandemic. Is this what they call a ‘life hack’? It’s certainly an example of the common man taking back some money from major corporations – something that is very Robin Hood and His Merry Men.

You can suspend your Sky Sports subscription here and BT Sport through this link.
How long these channels will remain free is anybody’s guess. However, Sky are promising to show a charity golf match, with BT boasting about broadcasting some football from Germany over the weekend. It would be a kick in the teeth if either of these caused the subscriptions to restart, as I can’t stand golf!
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