My Sky+ fucked up this afternoon, I got a little worried as my warranty has expired on the box and new ones cost around £150-£200. After doing a reset the problems remained so I rung the customer help line. There I was told it is a known problem at their end and is being worked on. Phew – not my box.
Looking on Digital Spy it turns out this has happened before and some people believe it is Sky pissing about with the EPG Software.
Now Sky, if you’re going to experiment with the software fine, but why do it at a potential busy period for your customers? The Manchester derby just finishing, being followed by an FA Cup game on Sky Sports and the England – France rugby game was being shown on BBC1. Mind you, looking at the result, the English Sky viewers unable to watch the game are probably glad they missed out!
It would make a lot more sense to piss about with the software at a time like 3am when only drunks, drug addicts and the unemployable are watching TV.
Sky+ is one of the best inventions in the history of entertainment and a brilliant piece of equipment – when it works! I am yet to hear from somebody who has had it over 6 months and not experienced any problems. Sky and the box manufacturers have a lot to answer for in my opinion!
Anyway, I’ll leave you on that angry note with this link – it’s a totally bizarre Flash animation, probably created by somebody with more than a few screws loose. It’s funny because it’s so insane!
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