Tomorrow is bin day. It has been four weeks since the green bins have been emptied. The bags at the very bottom of the pile have been there so long, the contents probably contain mummified sausages and banana skins.
I am hoping the bin men will find it in their hearts to fulfil their job and carry the bins from the front of my flat and empty the contents into the back of their lorry – not that it’ll all fit in the back, they’ll probably need to make a second trip.
You never know, they may take the covered motorbike away too
… oh, and I almost forgot to do the joke about the garden looking like Manchester United’s training ground – full of rubbish.. Do you get it? Do you get it?
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October 19, 2010 - 11:48 pmIts true. Very hazardous to innocent Good Samaritans who take out empty cider bottles to the recycling bin. They could fall over a black bag and end up looking like Wayne Rooney.