Posted by sean on February 10, 2014 at 10:46 pm in Fun At Home with No Comments

My first day of annual leave. How did I spend it? A day of relaxation? A day of leisure? Nope, none of these.

The first part of my annual leave was an entire day of hard labour. Hours of back-breaking work was spent on the house. I repaired the roof, built a wall and converted the loft into a guest bedroom. I lie. My work was not quite that intense, but it was close. The whole house was vacuumed, cleaned and tided.

I hate house work. I always find that however hard you rake the vacuum cleaner up and down the floor, bash it against the skirting board and curse at the dirt on the carpet, there is still an infinite supply of fluff which just won’t disappear.

All this work was in aid of the letting agency coming tomorrow, first thing in the morning may I add (another day of rest gone), to inspect the place, to ensure it is still standing. Luckily, the house has not fallen down yet, but if I have to get the vacuum cleaner out again anytime soon, that may change.

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