Vanessa, what a stupid daft cow! She contributes nothing to Big Brother 6 and never speaks. When she does finally open her gob however she breaks the most vital and obvious rule of Big Brother DO NOT DISCUSS NOMINATIONS. Doh!

She casually told Lesley that she would be voting for Sam. Now I know Sam is as thick as two short plants and just sits around giggling, but the rules are there for a reason.

Big Brother picked up on this act of disobedience and has therefore put all the housemates up for nomination. Even though Vanessa caused all this I urge you all, keep her in! We have another chance to vote out Craig! He wanders about all day mouthing off in his overly camp voice speaking total, utter shite about how everyone he has ever met is despicable. This housemate is horrible and has to go, vote him out…. Now.
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