I left my flat at 2.30 this afternoon, making the brief walk to Twerton Park to watch Bath City.
The walk may have only been short, but the rain was torrential. By the time I reached the ground, I was so wet you would think I had fallen off the bridge and into the River Avon.
Therefore, I was understandably annoyed when upon arrival I was informed that the game had been called off due to a waterlogged pitch. I did protest, arguing that while it was impossible to play football, a game of water polo could be staged, but to no avail.
I walked back home, getting splashed by a car and nearly drowning in a water-filled pot hole. When I finally did get back, I struggled to get out of my sodden clothes. I must have been carrying a whole stone in water.
I’m now sitting at home, trying to warm up and watching Gillette Soccer Saturday on Sky Sports. I may turn it off. Leeds are losing – again.
Work has been rather strange this week. Since returning from the Christmas break yesterday, the whole office is very quite, nobody needs IT Support and we are working reduced hours. Today I even played Fifa 07 on the 52″ LCD TV. What’s more, I am on annual leave for 9 days from Saturday.
The whole experience feels like I am on holiday, but being made to go in during my break. To me, this is still Christmas time – ITV were showing Back to the Future 2 this afternoon! I returned from work yesterday to find Jurassic Park on the telly!
Roll on Friday afternoon when I finish for a week!
My brief summary of today’s football…
Best Result: Bath 5-0 Team Bath
Worst Result: Sunderland 2-0 Leeds
Funniest Insult: To referee, after failing to award a penalty to Bath. “You’re spineless ref! You’re like an invertebrate”
Satisfying Moment: Being approached by City players in the club bar post game for a chat about the match. If only the Leeds players made the effort.
That is all. Goodnight.
So it’s finally over. As the special day draws to a close, billions of people worldwide, myself included, are drawing a sigh of relief that we don’t have to be reminded about Christmas for another 11 months, well 6 if the retailers get their way. Bah humbug and such.
Here’s a review of my Christmas Day.
These were good, very good in fact. Gifts I received which particularly pleased me included – Gears of War (video game for the Xbox 360), Bath City football shirt, a beautiful canvas print of some woodland (which is now hanging on my wall) and Chris Moyles’s new autobiography.
Adequate at best. I volunteered to help cook and somehow ended up preparing the whole turkey. This will no doubt come as a shock to some of you, particularly those who have seen me cremate a pizza and douse barbecue sausages in ash. This turkey did not set on fire, nor did it give anybody who consumed it salmonella – so there. It was rather dry, although turkey is always dry at the best of times, especially if they’re boneless like the one I had to cook.. c’mon, I’m not Gordon ‘fucking’ Ramsey! Next year I’m going to the pub for dinner.
The little TV I did watch was shit. As predicted, Vicar of Dibley was diabolical. Little Britain, disappointing. I no longer watch EastEnders, although did catch the tail end of it before Dibley. I saw Pauline Fowler’s much publicised death. What a disappointment. The old bag just lay down in the snow. Such a long serving servant of the soap deserves to go out in style, maybe in a big ball of flames, or to be cut into tiny pieces by a machete waving maniac.
Of course, Christmas isn’t just about presents, food and television. I had an enjoyable time with family and a welcome break from the other stresses of life. These will return tomorrow when I travel to watch Bath City play Team Bath, while closely following the Leeds score via my mobile phone. Then on Wednesday, more stress will be bestowed upon me, when I return to work. It makes you happy to be alive.
Yesterday I went to watch Leeds United with deano4england (from WACCOE), AKA Danny Holmes. For some reason, his dad had decided he didn’t want to watch Leeds that day, so allowed me to borrow his £700+ season ticket. There’s just no commitment from these so called “fans” :o)
While the game finished 0-0, it was enjoyable, although I did leave the ground feeling rather stressed, mainly thanks to the Leeds strikers who couldn’t hit a barn door.

To add to my already high stress levels, once back in Bath, Watkins and Simon came to my flat for a spot of GoldenEye. I had recently purchased adaptors allowing me to use Nintendo 64 control pads on the PC, therefore allowing us to play multiplayer ROMs.
As well as GoldenEye, we also played Super Bomberman 2. That took me back. It’s been a long time since I have seen Mr. Watkins, a grown man, wail like a banshee.
Bomberman did become rather intense, and both Simon and I also lost our cool. Simon swearing like the mad football hooligan he is, while I rolled around on the floor as if I was having some kind of fit, spraying salvia and Grolsh over my fellow gamers.
The greatest stress is yet to come. Tomorrow is Christmas Day, supposedly, the happiest day of the year. Whoever came to that conclusion must also have developed the urban myth that school days are the best of your life.