Posted by sean on August 14, 2008 at 7:43 pm in Website Stuff with No Comments
Notice any downtime or strange-goings-on on my blog the last day? I’ve changed site hosts (Storm Internet). Hopefully all the files, folders, etc have migrated across to the new server; but if you do notice anything wrong, please let me know.
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If you are after a website which gives advice on how to hack an iPhone X, download the latest Steven Seagal movie, or view nudy ladies, you've come to the wrong place and may now press 'Back'.
However, if you would like a lifestyle blog, written by a 30-something chap, living in Bath (England), feast your eyes on this.
You won't discover how to copy PlayStation 4 games. What you will find is a blog, covering life in the West Country, the highs and lows of supporting two unsuccessful football teams, while sharing a house with a wife and rabbit.
All written by a man, somewhere on the sanity-scale between normal and eccentric.
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