Posted by sean on August 8, 2018 at 12:10 am in Television with No Comments

I continue to be off work sick and as such, have quite a lot of time on my hands. Having given up on using these free hours to teach Roman how to play chess – a challenge made even more difficult by the fact I don’t know the rules myself – I have taken to binge watching television shows.

The series which started this pastime, and one which I am still working my way through, is the US version of The Office. I’ve always been a fan of the original UK series and as a result scoffed at the mere thought of a remake. Then I discovered that it was created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. Given the fact that they are behind the British offering, it seemed unlikely that they would bastardise their baby for the Yanks.

I watched the first few episodes. Annoyingly, I really enjoyed them. It was funny, with lots of new jokes, as well as welcome gags from the original series.

But who am I to review the show? Season 1 is twelve years old! To emphasise how long ago that actually is, read this… In 2006, I played football; with no Claire in my life, I admired women in the park; and MSN still existed! Therefore, if you give a damn about this series, you’ve probably watched it a long time ago!

I am currently on Season 8 of 9. There are apparently about 200 episodes in total (Seasons 1 to 9). At a guess, I have around 30-ish left. I am starting to get a little bored. Maybe this is because I’ve watched so much of the series in such a short space of time; or perhaps The US Office just ran it’s course and became crap – if anyone ever says Gervais should have made more episodes of the UK version, this is surely an argument against such an idea. I personally think that I am finding the later season less amusing because the main character – the David Brent equivalent – played by Steve Carell left.
Still, I’ve come this far, I might as well finish the series off. The next show which I plan to devour is Roots. I have a feeling that going from a light-hearted sitcom in The Office to a brutal and disturbing drama about the slave trade, will be something of an experience…

Note: Before any know-it-alls comment on this post, I have since discovered that The Office was created in 2005, and not 2006. So there.

Posted by sean on August 5, 2018 at 9:20 pm in Rabbits, Roman with No Comments

Who says rabbits don’t have emotions? Our bunny certainly does! Here is Roman looking very annoyed, while watching Claire, from his cage, tidy his nearby run. This involved her clearing his toys and throwing away his old, gnawn sticks.

Don’t see the burning anger in his eyes? Compare that photo to the one below, where he’s trying (and succeeding) to look cute in an attempt to be fed some treats.

Posted by sean on August 1, 2018 at 10:39 pm in Rabbits, Roman with No Comments

Poor Roman! Our little cherub has been feeling very sorry for himself. Yesterday, he visited the vets to receive a present that all male pets fear… the snip. That’s right, Roman has now been neutured.
Last night, we were quite concerned about our beloved bunny. Despite bring assured by the vets that such behaviour was normal post-op, Roman’s withdrawn and dazed demeanour was very worrying.

Roman is the most active and interested rabbit I have ever owned. He’s also incredibly greedy. He wasn’t eating either! Claire kindly took the night shift; checking on Roman’s well-being at midnight and again at 2am. On checking him for a second time, Claire discovered, to our relief, that he had eaten some of his food and also pooped. He was refusing to poo up until that point.

Throughout today, Roman has been generally quiet and picking at the contents of his food bowl. This evening, however, Roman appears to be returning to his old self. He is hopping around his cage, munching hay and taking an interest in his human parents.

Having Roman neutured is fully justified. Had we not booked him in for the procedure, we would have a horny rabbit to look forward to, every few months, spraying urine all over our front room. Rabbits are also prone to many cancers, with males who have not been neutered facing a 75% chance of developing testicular cancer. Still, it’s sad that in taking away Roman’s balls, he has also lost his sex drive. To think, he will never appreciate the Cadbury bunny…

I hope that Roman will continue to recover from his ordeal overnight. I also hope that he forgets what was “taken” from him, during his visit to the vets – otherwise, we’ll have one hot cross bunny on our hands!

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