Today was my first day off since dropping my hours and going part time.
This day off is known, within the department, as a “non-working day”. Smart arses may argue that I have five of these a week already.
This “NWD”, however, allows me to stay at home, wearing my pyjamas all day, should I so wish. Of course, that would be incredibly slobbish behaviour and something I would not be a part of. Honest…
Today’s pyjama party was lovely, although I am now confused about what to call it, or the days either side…
Tuesday is now like a weekend for me – as that will be the day I have been allowed to skive off every week.
Therefore, Mondays are the new Friday – as a weekend always follows Friday.
Wednesday – as in tomorrow – will now be called Monday – as the day after the weekend is always a Monday.
Monday is traditionally a day where everyone is depressed about having to return to work, spending most of the morning drinking coffee, chatting with equally melancholy colleagues and browsing the endless “Deal of the Day” pages on Amazon.

A coffee machine like this at work? I wish!
Therefore, for me at least, the traditional Wednesday is now Monday. Makes perfect sense. Even Wayne Rooney could understand it.
This just leaves one question… if Monday has now become Friday, what will the existing Friday – i.e. Friday 8th November (this week) – become?
I suppose that the most logical and sensible thing to do, would be to have Friday I and Friday II.
I can’t think of any other way of handling the situation.
My new week
Friday I
Friday II
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