This blog post title sounds like the name of a song, should Peter Andre ever collaborate with garage band, The Streets…
… because of Mysterious Girl and how Mike Skinner – front man of The Streets – seems to refer to all women as “birds” (maybe) … get it? Forget it.
Anyway, you’ll be pleased to know that there will be no degrading of ladies on this blog. At least for today.
This blog post refers to the one I made about a bird spotted in the back garden and what breed it could possibly be.
A lot of people had a lot of ideas and suggestions. All wrong, apart from the two individuals who believe it to be a juvenile nuthatch.
Those claiming the bird to be a nuthatch are both apparently “experts”.
As neither responded to my question directly – having instead been asked by a family member and web forum user – it is not beyond the realms of possibility that both these so-called experts are actually the same person.
If this is just one person, that one person could be wrong!
I think I’ll let this one go. It’s dragging on too long even for my patience. Let’s just agree it is an ostrich chick.

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