Recently, I blogged about my delight in rediscovering the children’s television series, The Animals of Farthing Wood. Since then, I have been spending a lot of time watching and enjoying it. All of series one and two have been viewed. The animals have reached White Deer Park, given birth to young and died. I am now onto the third and final series, involving a nasty stag and an invasion of rats.
I am so enthralled by the series, that I have been onto Amazon in a hunt to buy the books. The first three I found with no issues. They were all available to buy for a reasonable price. The third volume proved a lot more taxing. For some reason, Amazon are no longer supplying it. Adam at work suggested that it was out of print and old books that nobody wants are no longer produced. What a shame. What an outrage!
Adam also suggested that I find it on a Kindle. Adam was unhelpful. I hate Kindle’s. I want a book! It would appear that I am not the only person who wants to purchase a copy of Animals of Farthing Wood Volume 3, on paper and not in some awful digital format. This is a customer review from the Amazon page…
1 out of 5 stars
kindle sucks!
21 Jan 2012
By pocatello50 – Published on
Format:Kindle EditionHow about printing this story in a real book instead of on some godforsaken yuppie toy? Not all of us care to have our literature stored in such a vulnerable and fragile manner.
I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Adam then suggested I buy a second hand copy. Again, very unhelpful by my colleague. People read books when they’re ill. It is almost certain that the used book on sale has been read by someone who is very poorly and is now dead. I don’t want to catch leprosy from an Amazon order.
Luckily, I found some third party sellers still selling the book brand new. Some were selling it for over a hundred pounds! I like the books, but I could buy a live fox, mole and badger for that price and have them reenact the whole saga in my living room.
There was one seller who had it on offer for a far more reasonable price of under ten pounds. He had himself a deal.
Now I’m waiting for the books to arrive. I rarely read books, so I do hope I read these and this idea doesn’t turn into one of my many schemes I thought would be good, but got bored of days later.
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