A huge moth flew into the office today. It came out of Pav’s bag, which begs the question how often he opens it and worse still, what else is inside, if moths are taking up residence within it. The moth was huge and bared more similarities to a bat. I don’t have a phobia of moths, although this one scared me, due to its size. Nothing that large can be safe – it must surely feed on blood. Luckily, it hid away in the corner of the window frame. I bravely took a photo.

Thinking the moth would stay hidden and not cause any disruption or harm, I got on with my work and thought no more of it. A short while later, while explaining to how to use a memory stick to a visiting customer, I noticed the moth flying and crawling around behind my computer monitor and on the wall. I don’t think the customer saw the creature. If he did, he certainly didn’t comment on it. He must have, however, noticed me looking rather perturbed. I hope he did not think that I was scared of him or his flash drive.
I don’t know where the moth went, and quite frankly, I don’t want to know. I hope I never see it again. However, if I come in tomorrow, open my desk drawer and get attacked by the winged monster, I’ll be sure to blog about it. If it doesn’t kill me, that is.
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